Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tips for Summer Barbecues!

It is the season, I feel like I have had a barbecue, or a party, or something that requires me to eat outside of my house every weekend.  Now this can be the time when our nutrition gets derailed, but you do not have to let it be.  Here are a few tips for staying on track while still being able to attend these social events.

1. Find out the menu!
- This is a tip that I find usefull anywhere I go.  Knowing what foods you are going to encounter can set you up for success.  Also, most hosts like if you say, "hey, what are you making for the party so that I can bring something different."  This way you can bring something you know is healthy and you know what foods you might want to avoid or have while there.

2. Bring a dish!
- Now, this is super important.  Bring something that you know you can eat.  I always stick with a salad, or a vegetable appetizer, so that I can fill up on it if there is not much more that I can eat.

Watermelon Feta Salad
2 cups watermelon
1 cup cherry tomatoes halved
1 cup cucumber      
1/4 cup feta
1 tablespoon baslmic vinegar
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp pink himilayin sea salt

Watermelon Salad, Feta, Fruit, 21 day fix, clean eating, meal prep, meal planning, barbecue, party, grilling, beachbody, beachbody coach, shakeology
Cut the watermelon in half and chop up one half, set aside 2 cups.  Use a spoon to scoop out the other half of the watermelon, put in the fridge for a snack.  Chop up cucumber and tomatoes, and throw into a bowl with the watermelon.  Toss with balsmic vinegar, olive oil and sea salt, then add the feta and toss again.  Put the mixture back into the scooped out watermelon half.
-and/or bring a fun fruit salad, it is better to fill your plate with lots of delicious fruit than cookies and cakes. 
Fruit Salad, Berries,  Fruit, 21 day fix, clean eating, meal prep, meal planning, barbecue, party, grilling, beachbody, beachbody coach, shakeology

3. Interact with people that are not standing near the food table.  Getting into a conversation with someone can distract you from going to get second and third helpings.  If you are standing near the food table you are likely to stand there and pick!

4. Ask to help! Occupying yourself with a task will distract you from making bad choices.  This will also make the host feel like they are not working alone, and you can spend time with them!

5. Eat something before you go!  Eating a snack or small meal before you get to the event can help you from making bad choices.  You will go having something in your stomach so you are not starving and running right to the food table to fill up!
6. Drink Water!!! Having a drink or two is common at these types of events, but remember for every alcoholic beverage you have try and have a glass of water.  This will keep you hydrated, especially helpful on those hot days!

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