Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Journey

For as long as I can remember I have been overweight...  Now for an insecure teenager this is an extremely hard concept to grasp, let alone admit out loud.  My high school years were tough and emotionally draining, to say the least.  
21 day fix, Shakeology, Clean Eating, Insanity Max 30, meal planning, weight loss, meal replacement , beachbody coach

College came and I wanted to break out of that "big girl shell" but the freshman 15 doesn't even begin to describe how I let my body go.  After coming home after my freshman year of college I knew changes needed to be made.  

21 day fix, Shakeology, Clean Eating, Insanity Max 30, meal planning, weight loss, meal replacement , beachbody coach

With a gym in my dorm, and healthy options to pick from in the dining hall (or not going to the dining hall at all), I managed to lose 40 pounds--and keep it off for the rest of my college years. After college was a different story. Moving in with a significant other will add pounds to your hips. Although I was still working out pretty consistently, I was eating and drinking a lot more. I always said I was never going to be one of those girls who got into a relationship and let myself go. I was that girl and, for years, I was in denial because he loved me no matter what.  

But I didn't love me, and I would go through phases of weight loss and weight gain especially in the winter. This winter was by far the worst for me. I had gotten down to the thinnest I have ever been for my wedding this past August. But I became that thin by working out 3 times a day and doing a juice cleanse every other week. Sure I looked good, and I had the body I wanted, but it was something that I was never going to maintain. 
21 day fix, Shakeology, Clean Eating, Insanity Max 30, meal planning, weight loss, meal replacement , beachbody coach, shedding for the wedding

When the wedding ended, and I didn't have a dress to fit into, I started to eat more, workout less and the pounds started to come back on. All the weight that I had worked so hard to lose came right back, faster than I thought possible. I hated my body, and I hated myself for letting it get that way. Juice cleanses weren't helping, I was working out a ton and not seeing any results. I needed something else; I knew there had to be a better way. 

Shakeology had been something that I heard about through a friend of mine, but I didn't know anyone who had actually used it. Then someone told me about the 21 Day Fix, and I actually thought they were crazy. But after seeing all the infomercials and doing some of my own research, I thought, "why not I had tried everything else?" 

So, after going back and forth I finally decided to take the leap. It was the best decision I ever made for me. Not only did the program help me to lose weight, but it also gave me a whole new outlook on health and fitness. Working out for 30 minutes was enough and eating every 2 1/2-3 hours kept me full and energized. I felt great when I started, and, 3 months later, I feel even better--and I have even helped others reach their goals since I have become a beachbody coach. My journey is not over yet, but I am happier than I have ever been!
21 day fix, Shakeology, Clean Eating, Insanity Max 30, meal planning, weight loss, meal replacement , beachbody coach

If you want more information on how to get your transformation started leave your email below, or contact me at galykat@gmail.com!

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